Zoom ballet and finding silver linings
We've had so much fun photographing these sessions, and every family has had a story to tell, so we decided to do a little interview with each family and post it with our image spotlights.
Meet the Germeroth Family!
What was your favorite thing about your session?
- That none of my kids had a melt down! It was fun!
Is there anything you'd like to say to your photographers?
- Thank you for capturing this unique time in our family and history. Family pictures are always treasured but these will always have special meaning and preserve a shared experience with the world!
What was your favorite activity during quarantine?
- Zoom ballet - shout out to Littleton Ballet Academy for maintaining normalcy and community for students!
What was your least favorite thing about quarantine?
- Not seeing friends and family, especially school friends and teachers! Teachers rock!
Did you acquire any new hobbies or learn any new skills?
- Howling and Zooming!
What are some things you did to have fun outside?
- Lots of walks, bike rides, and water balloon fights.
What was your favorite thing to snack on?
Anything chocolate!
What are some things you did to help you feel connected with others?
- Lots of zoom calls and random letters sent via snail mail! And sharing pictures of things that make us smile!
What is your favorite memory from quarantine?
- Not really a single event, but really the innovative ways people remain connected to each other and show love and support. The human spirit is amazing!
What are you most excited to do after the restrictions are lifted?
- Take a vacation anywhere outside of a 10 mile radius from our house.
What have you learned?
- We have learned to find joy in the simple things every day and just how little we need to be happy. Also how to stretch a roll of TP in a house with lots of girls!
What are you most thankful for about this time?
- Our health!
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
- We encourage everyone to keep hope, find silver linings, and help each other as much as they can!