Roasted marshmallows, mask sewing, and window walks!
We've had so much fun photographing these sessions, and every family has had a story to tell, so we decided to do a little interview with each family and post it with our image spotlights.
Meet the Noonan Family!
What was your favorite thing about your session?
- My kids never want to cooperate when I try to take pictures. Annalise will say "noooo" when she sees my phone out :). However, both kids LOVE Ms. Jordyn and her silly tickle-y feather duster and they will bust out the biggest smiles for her. She really makes their personalities shine through and we are so grateful to be able to capture such adorable memories.
What are some things you did to have fun outside?
- We had fires and roasted marshmallows, did "stained glass" chalk art, and played with the water table and play set. My son's favorite thing was squirt gun fights - he nicknamed us the teenage mutant ninja squirt-les.
What are some things you did to help you feel connected with others?
- We asked our neighbors to participate in window walks, with different themes each week, and a handful of them did. As we walked around the block, my kids would see their drawings in windows and were very excited. We also participated in video calls with grandparents. I sewed fabric face masks for donations, and used the donations to make skull caps with buttons for front line workers.
What are you most excited to do after the restrictions are lifted?
- We are excited to visit playgrounds and parks and to go hiking in the mountains. We can't wait to see friends, have play dates, and go to the library. We can't wait to be able to be out and about and leave our house when we'd like :)
What are you most thankful for about this time?
- I'm thankful for the opportunity to slow down. We are getting creative with the toys we have and what we can do with them. We are getting back to basics - walks and bike rides looking at ant hills, collecting rocks, and watching spring arrive in our garden.