Making lemonade out of lemons!
We've had so much fun photographing these sessions, and every family has had a story to tell, so we decided to do a little interview with each family and post it with our image spotlights.
Meet the Goldberg Family!
What was your favorite thing about your session?
- You totally captured US. It was so fun and we are so excited to fill our house with photos from the shoot.
What was your favorite activity during quarantine?
- Sharing our lemons and lemonade for the day every night at dinner together.
What was your least favorite thing about quarantine?
- We are very social people. We miss hugs and hang outs.
Did you acquire any new hobbies or learn any new skills?
- My hubby learned to play guitar and improved his Spanish. Son is learning Spanish. My daughter can do a hand stand for 2 minutes straight. Creating lesson plans for kindies remotely.
What are some things you did to have fun outside?
- Bike rides. Chalk drawings. Hikes. Walks. Roller blading. Taking to neighbors from a safe distance. Finding bugs. Hot tubbing. Soaking up the sun.
What was your favorite thing to snack on?
- Dried fruit. Especially mango.
What are some things you did to help you feel connected with others?
- Facebook portal video calls with family. Facebook messenger kids so ours could stay connected with friends. Socially distancing bike rides and time in the cul-de-sac with neighbors.
What is your favorite memory from quarantine?
- We bought a hot tub since we have water babies and don't have swim team or rec center pools right now.
What are you most excited to do after the restrictions are lifted?
- Go on vacation somewhere fun! Spring break was cancelled right when this happened ☹️
What have you learned?
- My kids really love one another and are so strong.
What are you most thankful for about this time?
- That we have each other. That we are keeping our loved ones and neighbors safe. That we're making great memories.
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
- Quarantine is a bummer but we love our lemonade we've made together.