The best part about winter in Colorado has to be the gorgeous snow-coated landscape it creates! We love capturing beautiful images of your family during our 1-hour outdoor snow portraits sessions. These portraits are rare, but a lot of fun! We will produce images of your little ones bundled up in their cute mittens, earmuffs, snow boots, and cozy scarves as they play and pose against a backdrop of the snow-capped Rocky Mountains or local woodlands. The results of these portraits are always stunning!
You must be added to a waiting list for these sessions. The day after a thick snowfall we will give you a call to schedule your session.
Check out some images from our past snow portraits below!
Please call our Highlands Ranch Studio to be added to our waiting list or for any questions: 303-730-8638
Jun 26, 2018, 10:34:06 AM
Sandy Puc - Hi Jenn! There are several families on the wait list and I will add your name as well. We will contact families the day after a think snow and sometimes we make it well down the list for takers so there is always a good chance to get in. Thank you!
Jun 22, 2018, 5:17:09 PM
Jenn Honda - I could like a snow session - 2 adults and 2 dogs. please let me know how long the wait list currently is. thanks