Senior Year is a magical and crazy time. With spring right (and summer) right around the corner, it’s time for you juniors to start thinking about your senior pictures.
Getting senior pictures done is a rite of passage and a memory you’ll cherish when you get older. Capturing this time of your life with so many choices and possibilities in front of you in a great beginning to your senior year.
We know there are lots of choices of who to get your senior photos done with, and that it can be hard to decide where to go.
So… instead of us trying to show you what Sandy Puc’ Senior photos are all about, we decided to feature a senior from the last year for a spotlight and some Q&A about themselves and why they chose Sandy Puc’ Photography.
This week’s senior is: Sabrina. Check out their Q&A and their senior photos below!
What high school do you go to?
Ralston Valley
What advice would you give juniors heading into their senior year?
Do your work and go out proud of what you’ve accomplished.
What was your favorite part of getting your photos taken?
Dancing to the funky music!